25 Best Jobs for Adventurers, Thrill-Seekers, and Travel Lovers

Want to be paid to have adventures? Looking into adventurous jobs? Check out this list of 25 epic adventure jobs and discover the best jobs for adventurers!

If ever there were four words to excite a travel lover, these are the ones: paid to have adventures.

Just imagine exploring the world, doing incredible things in epic environments, and earning a living every step of the way. It’s the stuff of dreams. The best part? If you get one of the best jobs for adventurers, you can turn those dreams into reality.

Looking for adventure and want to make a living from it? Feeling stuck, bored, and desperate for more excitement in life?

Read on to discover 25 incredible adventure jobs. They run the gamut of roles and responsibilities, but each one involves exploration, novelty, freedom, and thrills. Let’s dive in.

1. Adventurer

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There are real-life adventurers out there right now, taking on super-human endeavors in the world’s wildest and most remote destinations.

It’s something of a misnomer in relation to traditional jobs, though. ‘Adventurer’ isn’t really a position you can apply for. In theory, you could just start calling yourself one!

This is a role you fill of your own accord, assigning yourself the title as and when it seems fitting (or when other people start calling you it).

Likewise, you might not get paid to have adventures, per se. You could have an adventure and then get paid by a magazine to write about it or by a company to speak about it.

Or you could blog about your adventures, which then gains traffic and drives ad revenue and/or affiliate sales. Or you write a book about the experience and make money as an author.

The cash may also come from sponsorships. Certain outdoor brands might partner with you, provide gear/equipment, or fund entire trips. However you do it, adventure careers don’t get better than this!

2. Adventure Tour Guide

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Love the idea of being an adventurer but want the comfort of a steady paycheque? Outdoor tour guide positions could be the answer.

Your adventures might not be as extreme, and you’ll have less control over your schedule. But reliable outdoor adventure jobs don’t get much better. You’d be living an adventurous lifestyle, spending time in unforgettable places, and taking groups of paying guests along for the ride.

Common employers include adventure tourism companies, travel companies, parks, resorts, campgrounds, and so on. You might also find yourself on a cruise liner (more on this later).

3. Search and Rescue

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Looking for jobs in wilderness areas? Want to save lives and have adventures along the way? Search and rescue (SAR) jobs could be ideal.

These are the brave people who go into the mountains to save the stranded hiker, head into the hills to find the missing campers, or shoot out to sea to save the struggling swimmer, and so on.

You’re outdoors, often in extreme conditions, saving lives on a regular basis. From what I understand, there are also SAR roles in cities…although they don’t seem quite as adventurous.

A wide variety of volunteer and paid roles are available in the SAR industry. If you’ve got relevant skills, experience, insight, and qualifications, there could be the perfect adventure job for you.

4. Park Ranger

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Becoming a park ranger might not sound super adventurous. But don’t dismiss it. You’d spend your days outdoors, patrolling campgrounds and areas of land, monitoring trails, enforcing rules, keeping the peace, and trying to ensure everyone stays safe and happy.

As far as excitement goes, you might be first on the scene of a fire, responding to injured hikers, or even involved in search and rescue efforts. To land a park ranger role, you’ll likely need a:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (such as environmental science)
  • Passion for the outdoors
  • First-aid qualification, and
  • Flexible schedule that allows you to work on weekends, holidays, and evenings

5. Filmmaker/Journalist

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While not all filmmaking and journalism jobs involve adventure, you can definitely find yourself in adventurous situations. Think about outdoor documentary films like Free Solo, which followed Alex Honnold on his journey to climb Yosemite’s El Capitan without ropes.

Filmmakers on projects like those have epic adventures all the time. In that particular case, they climbed mountains, dangled thousands of feet in the air to record Honnold’s efforts, and traveled around the world to cover his training.

As far as journalism goes, imagine covering major international stories, visiting each place for research, and experiencing wild encounters along the way.

If you’re creative, handy with a camera, and/or have a way with words, then film-making and journalism could be amazing outlets for your adventurous side.

The best part? Although you may need to hone your craft at college/university and get official qualifications to secure certain jobs, there’s nothing stopping you from getting started now and earning a name for yourself with no official training.

6. Outdoor Photographer

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Everything I said about filmmaking and journalism could apply to professional photographers too.

If you master the art of taking epic photos, then (whether you’re self-employed or hold an official position) you can travel around the world, photographing your adventures and earning money as you go.

From wildlife and surfing to extreme sports, there are countless areas to put your talent to work and earn a living.

Maybe a travel magazine is looking for a new photographer. Perhaps an outdoor gear brand needs some snaps for a marketing campaign. An international modeling agency might need someone with your skillset. Or maybe you could simply use your images to attract a following on social media and become an influencer?

7. Professional Climber or Mountaineer

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If you’re obsessed with rock climbing or mountaineering, world-class at them, and happy to live a dirt-bag life until you officially ‘make it,’ then earning pro-status in either discipline could be the dreamiest of all adventure jobs.

Imagine being flown around the world by big outdoor brands and publications who want to film and photograph you climbing impressive new routes. You’d have your gear paid for through sponsorships, earn paid speaking gigs, and spend your time doing what you love most.

Once again, there aren’t any actual qualifications required for this job. With a solid work ethic, passion for the craft, and an intrepid spirit (the bigger the endeavor, the more likely you are to get the recognition you need to succeed), the position is yours for the taking.

8. Bush Pilot

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Being a pilot would be adventurous enough for some. My brother’s a commercial pilot, and for years, he jetted off to exotic destinations, stayed in fancy hotels funded by the airline, and watched the world pass by from 30,000 feet.

If you want a step up in excitement, though, spread your wings into bush piloting.

Sure, you’d be swapping swanky hotels for remote wilderness destinations. And you’d trade pristine airport runways for remote makeshift landing strips. But you’d certainly satisfy your craving for thrills and adventures.

Alas, unless you buy your own plane and sell your services, becoming a bush pilot doesn’t sound straightforward. You might have to work your way up the ladder before taking charge of the plane. And be ready to muck in and do more than just fly. A can-do attitude and buckets of flying talent are essential.

9. Caretaker on a Paradise Island

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As crazy as it sounds, this is a legitimate job. Island caretakers live for months in dreamy destinations like the ones you see in travel magazines.

Better yet, the work sounds very chilled out. You’re paid to do things like feed tropical fish, promote tourist activities via social media, look after buildings and accommodation on the island, and handle any maintenance that needs doing.

You also get to stay rent-free for the duration of the stay. One position I came across didn’t require any special qualifications, either. All it asked for was a can-do attitude and a willingness to swim, sail, dive, and snorkel.

As you’d imagine, these positions don’t open up very often. And, when they do, they get outlandish amounts of interest. The chance of getting this adventure job might be slim, but it’d be an unforgettable experience from start to finish.

10. Storm Chaser

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Storm chasing has all the core tenets of the best jobs for adventurers: high-octane excitement, crazy sights and experiences, traveling to different places, and a sizeable dose of danger.

Storm chasing seems like one part thrill and another part science. The thrill comes from getting up close to giant tornados and hurricanes. You drive into the action, desperate to get the best possible view of what’s happening.

The science comes from the fact that most professional storm chasers are legitimate scientists (known as meteorologists) who study big weather events. They may work for the weather service, launching probes into tornadoes to gather data, for example.

Take this route, and you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline. Many people chase storms as a personal passion, though. Combine it with something like nature photography, filmmaking, or social media influencer work, and you could earn a living from it.

11. Treasure Hunter

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I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of treasure hunting. I think it comes from reading Treasure Island and watching Indiana Jones films as a kid. It catches my imagination like nothing else.

That’s why the thought of becoming a bona fide treasure hunter seems so epic. Whether it’s of financial and/or historical value, these lucky people spend their days investigating leads and searching for real-life treasures.

Nevertheless, for most people, treasure hunting is probably more of an ‘adventure pastime’ than a full-time position. Unless you find a wealthy sponsor to invest in your projects, end up on TV, or find real, valuable treasure, the chances of making a reliable income are slim.

That said, we live in a world of social media. If you’re passionate about the craft and build up an audience, you could monetize the pursuit whether you find anything or not.

12. Travel Blogger or Writer

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Looking for an adventure job where you need zero qualifications? Travel blogging could be ideal. It takes years to build a successful site, but there’s no denying its appeal. You can make good money while indulging your wanderlust.

It’s as adventurous as you make it, though. Some bloggers spend their days staying in (and writing about) luxury resorts. Likewise, growing a blog is hard work, and you can easily spend your time sitting at a desk producing content.

By contrast, other people are legitimate adventurers who happen to have a blog. They go on insane expeditions in remote, far-flung destinations and then write about them in their spare time.

Most travel bloggers are somewhere in between.

They travel a lot, see and do incredible things, and record their experiences so others can benefit from them. If they get enough web traffic and incorporate ads, affiliate links, and sponsorship deals, they can earn a sizeable (and often passive) income.

13. Deep Sea Diver

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I recently watched a documentary that provided a glimpse into a job I’d never heard about before. It was about a special type of deep-sea diver. A group of them would go down into the depths of the ocean for weeks at a time, staying in pressurized submarine-like cabins.

When it was time to work, they put on dive suits connected to the “submarine” via a cable that supplied oxygen to breathe and hot water for warmth. Then they exited into the darkness of the ocean floor. Their job? They must do all sorts, but in that documentary, they were repairing something on a submerged oil pump.

It looked terrifying, surreal, and incredibly adventurous.

Other types of deep-sea diving could satisfy your desire for adventure, too. As a commercial diver, you might be surveying wrecks, doing salvage work, building underwater structures, and/or performing rescues. If you don’t fancy anything so extreme, being a diving instructor may suffice.

14. Digital Nomad

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A digital nomad is someone who makes money online and, more often than not, uses their ability to work from anywhere to travel the world. In other words, they’re location-independent, which is a recipe for adventure.

Travel blogging is one example of a digital nomad job. But you can become a digital nomad in almost any field where the job can be done online. Marketing, content writing, consulting, programming, and graphic design are popular options.

Likewise, it’s becoming increasingly common for digital nomads to be in full-time employment, just with a remote-working arrangement. As long as they don’t slack, their employer is happy for them to do the job from anywhere.

15. Movie Stuntperson

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Doing stunts in films could be ideal if you like being physical and doing adrenaline-filled activities. The job sounds adventurous for a variety of reasons.

First, you can travel to cool parts of the world with the film/TV crew. Second, you’d be throwing yourself off buildings, setting yourself on fire, acting out fight scenes, and generally putting yourself in harm’s way so the actors don’t have to.

Another cool aspect of this job is that you don’t need any qualifications. A positive attitude, strong work ethic, and diverse set of relevant experience/skills (e.g., scuba diving, martial arts, rock climbing, gymnastics, etc) could be enough to land your first role.

16. Instructor of Adventurous Activities

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Do you love an extreme sport but can’t do it professionally? Whether you surf, climb, skydive, or scuba dive, why not become an instructor?

Day in and day out, you’d be doing the adventurous thing you love most. You’d also be spending time in beautiful places, leading expeditions/excursions/classes, and forming close relationships with other instructors on the team.

17. International Aid Worker

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Love the idea of working in foreign countries for an organization making a positive difference in the world? Consider getting a job with an NGO doing aid/relief work. You’d visit unique places, experience new cultures, and help people in unique environments for extended periods.

The route to working in this capacity for a major NGO won’t be easy, though. Expect stiff competition and the need to be both educated and experienced in the field.

18. Geologist

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This one might seem a little out of left field. However, I recently discovered that being a geologist doesn’t just involve staring, analyzing, and talking about rocks all day long. It’s actually pretty cool.

Geologists do study earth materials, but many also spend time outdoors and/or traveling to incredible places around the planet. Whether they’re looking for new deposits of oil and gas or researching ancient geological features, they’re often on one adventure or another.

19. Yacht Crew

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Anyone who loves the sea and wants to travel in luxury should look into crewing on a yacht. A friend of a friend does this, and the whole setup sounds dreamy!

Think: azure waters in stunning parts of the world, exploring deserted islands on days off, and drifting slowly from one tropical destination to the next. Oh, and your food and accommodation’s covered alongside your salary, making it an awesome saving opportunity.

The downside? You’re basically a very rich person’s slave when you’re working. Don’t let the luxury yacht fool you. The role itself could involve anything from cooking meals and cleaning the deck to organizing days out for the owner.

The trickiest part sounds like getting one of these adventure jobs in the first place, though. From what I gather, it’s not what you know but who you know that counts. A reference or introduction from someone working in the industry will make all the difference.

20. Cruise Ship Worker

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For anyone interested in the best jobs for adventurers, working on a cruise liner would be another fun-filled way to have adventures and explore the world by water.

Something cool about this particular job is that there are roles for everyone- regardless of experience, qualifications, and specific interests. Housekeeping, entertainment, tour managers, medical roles, and catering positions are just a few options.

You’ll be busy, but you’ll also wake up in a new place every day and have free time to embrace this unique port-to-port experience.

21. Astronaut

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You’d struggle to find a bigger adventure than going into space. It’s literally the final frontier. Whether you worked for NASA or SpaceX, imagine buckling yourself into a rocket and blasting off into the stratosphere.

Seeing Earth from space, experiencing what it’s like to be weightless, and floating around in the cosmos is a crazy and alluring prospect.

It’s cool to think that technology could turn us into an interplanetary species soon. Who knows, there might be masses of new astronaut roles opening up in the future. In the meantime, you’ve got your work cut out…

You’ll need to be in top physical condition, have flawless vision, be a whizz at maths, science, and/or engineering, and, sometimes, have countless hours in control of fighter jets under your belt. It could take a decade of tests and training before you get to go to space.

22. Teacher

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It might seem strange to talk about teachers in the same breath as astronauts. But, first off, this is a noble profession, and good teachers are in high demand. Unlike other adventurous jobs on this list, it shouldn’t be as difficult to land a role.

Moreover, you’d get masses of vacation time throughout the year in which you can jet off to exotic destinations. Throw in the occasional international school trip, and teachers have more opportunities than most to visit new places and have adventures.

And don’t forget about TEFL. Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a popular way for people to travel the world and make money as they go. It’s a relatively straightforward qualification to get, and it opens the door to paid adventures all over the world.

23. Military Positions

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If you want to serve your country, develop leadership skills, and travel the world, then consider a job in the military. There are countless roles to choose from that could satisfy your urge for adventure. Examples include Navy operations specialists, tactical army linguists, Marine Corps military police, special forces, and Air Force pilots.

Each of these varied roles is fast-paced, high-responsibility, and action-packed. They also have very different entry requirements. Equally, many military roles require putting your life on the line, which may not be the type of adventure/excitement you have in mind.

24. Professional Athletes and Coaches

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Professional athletes of any kind live glamorous, action-packed, and adventurous lives. Of course, the road to going pro is long and supremely competitive, and success is never guaranteed.

Yet with great risk comes great reward. If you make it to the top level, you’ll enjoy a sky-high salary and a lifestyle full of travel.

It’s worth noting that professional coaches can live similar lives. It’s not as lucrative financially, but they get to follow their teams/clients around the world, supporting them every step of the way. A coaching career can also be exponentially longer than an athlete’s, which means more opportunities for adventure (and income).

25. Circus Worker

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Circus performers are fit, athletic, and experts at their craft. They also live a transient life, traveling from place to place to perform. It would be a strenuous, exciting, and unique role where you entertain people for a living.

Another perk is said to be the strong bonds you form with other people in the circus. There are many types of circus jobs, too. If you don’t feel drawn to acrobatics, consider pursuing a role as a stagehand, light and sound technician, stage manager, dancer, makeup artist, and/or hairstylist.

Try the Best Jobs for Adventurers

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When you have an adventurous spirit, there’s nothing more soul-sapping than a dull, normal, and stationary life spent working in an office. Thankfully, you don’t have to resign yourself to this fate.

The best jobs for adventurers let you earn a paycheck from doing something you love. If you’re at a lull in life and looking for a change, then I hope one of these adventure jobs will have piqued your interest or given you food for thought.


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Author: Danny Newman

Title: Writer and Content Creator

Expertise: Travel, Digital Nomadry, Outdoors, Blogging

Danny Newman is a writer, content creator, and digital nomad from the UK. He founded the travel and lifestyle blog What’s Danny Doing, a popular resource for people seeking more adventure, self-discovery, and purpose. A nationally syndicated writer, Danny’s work features in dozens of online publications, including MSN.com and news sites across the US.
