I hope you find the perfect travel captions for Instagram on this list!
You grow accustomed to being in beautiful places and doing incredible things when you travel.
I mean, you visit ancient temples, hike to hidden waterfalls, watch the sunset on tropical beaches, swim through crystalline waters, witness exotic wildlife, and sleep under the stars…
The list of unforgettable sights and experiences never stops. The result?
Travel’s an unparalleled Instagram opportunity!
You end up snapping and posting pics every few seconds, desperate to document the latest enviable experience for friends and family back home.
But first, you have to write travel captions for Instagram that do those photos justice.
And that’s easier said than done when you’re doing such awesome stuff all the time. Want some help coming up with a travel caption for your latest Instagram post?
Check out this long list of 165 captions for travelling!
Need some travel caption ideas and inspiration? Check out this list of Instagram travel captions!
Want Some Travel Quotes for Instagram Too? Check Out These Posts:
- 100 Hilarious Jokes and Travelling
- 150 Adventure Quotes & Captions for Instagram
- 100+ Short Travel Quotes
- 110 Quotes About Travelling Alone
- 150 Quotes for Travelling Couples
- 25 Quotes About Family Travel
165 Travel Captions for Instagram
In an attempt to make things more manageable, I’ve divided this long list of travel captions into sections. Work your way through them from beginning to end and, with any luck, you’ll find the perfect travelling captions for Instagram posts!
Top Travel Caption Ideas
1. Love the life you live.
2. Another day another adventure.
3. We’re on the road again!
4. I’ll never tire of catching flights to foreign lands.
5. Taking the scenic route.
6. Flights booked. Bags packed. Excitement mounting!
7. Why travel? For the sake of it.
8. Sun. Sea. Sand. Magic!
9. I can smell an adventure brewing.
10. In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘Not all who wander are lost’.
11. Loving the beauty of being a stranger.
12. Exploration and adventure are my two favourite words.
13. Explore with an open mind and wide-open eyes.
14. Getting lost in distant lands is a recipe for adventure.
15. Venturing into the world
Short captions for travelling are always some of my favourites…
Short Captions for Travelling
16. Travel. Live.
17. Experiencing new things.
18. Any excuse to travel!
19. Vacay? Okay.
20. Living life right.
21. Making memories.
22. Satiating my wanderlust.
23. Stop thinking. Travel.
24. Living the dream.
25. Adventure awaits.
26. Let travel change you.
27. Distant horizons.
28. Another day in paradise.
29. Get lost.
30. This was a good idea.
Looking for beautiful instagram captions travel lovers will appreciate? This next section should help…
Beautiful Instagram Captions Travel
31. Mind-boggling beauty at every turn.
32. It was never enough until I travelled the world.
33. Travelling the world exposes you to beauty in all things.
34. It is impossible to waste time when you’re travelling. Every moment’s as it should be.
35. There’s nothing to lose and a whole world to explore.
36. Everybody should travel at least once.
37. Wanderlust creeps up, sets in, and refuses to leave until you indulge it.
38. These views take my breath away.
39. Screens never do justice to sights like these. You have to see them with your own eyes.
40. Don’t let life pass you by. See what’s out there.
41. All humans were born to travel.
42. The real luxury of travel is time. Time to stop. Time to think. Time to be.
43. Life wasn’t designed to be lived inside a cubicle. Spread your wings and see the world.
44. Allow the burden of normality to lift. Set foot into the unknown and discover yourself.
45. Ask yourself this: when was the last time you did something for the first time?
Memorable travel Instagram captions are ideal when you’re taking epic images on the road!
Memorable Travel Instagram Captions
46. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat.
47. In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with. (Charles Schulz)
48. Catch flights, not feelings.
49. Suns out, guns out.
50. If travelling was free, you’d never see me again.
51. The real joy of travel is found in getting lost.
52. Good time and tan lines.
53. There’s nothing better than making friends in new places.
54. A beer at sunset. Is there any better way to end the day?
55. Life is good. Travel is why.
56. Living proof that there’s no cure for the travel bug.
57. And so the adventure begins!
58. Travel isn’t about arriving. It’s about leaving.
59. Aeroplanes are my happy place.
60. Travelling the world is the best education you could ever get.
Here are some funny travel captions for Instagram if you’re hoping to make your followers chuckle…
Funny Travel Captions for Instagram
61. What’s the saying again? A coconut a day keeps the doctor away?
62. Vacation mode: activated.
63. Do something that scares you every day. Or, failing that, grab a beer and watch the sunset.
64. Mark Twain was spot on when he said ‘there’s no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them’.
65. Want to change your attitude? Change your latitude!
66. I need a vacation so long that I forget all my passwords.
67. Never keep a vacation waiting.
68. Wander where the Wi-Fi’s weak!
69. Gotta get that vitamin sea…
70. Tropic like it’s hot, tropic like it’s hot…
71. Officially on island time.
72. If only someone looked at me the way I look at the travel brochure!
73. I’m in a complicated relationship with my suitcase.
74. If only road trips could pay my bills.
75. Girls just wanna have sun.
Didn’t find any funnys that were up to the task? These punny travel captions for Insta might be better…
Punny Travel Captions for Insta
76. Un-packing after a vacation is the definition of emotional baggage.
77. I’m in Scandinavia, there’s Norway I want to go home yet.
78. I was going to visit Iran but Tehran out of time…
79. Now’s the time to seas the day.
80. On a road trip, having a wheel-ey nice time!
81. The best part of campers? All the ad-van-tures!
82. Nothing about this trip is plane.
83. When on tropical beaches, keep palm and carry on.
84. Heading to Italy. You could say I’m ‘Rome-ing’ the world…
85. Spent time in East Africa. How ‘Kenya’ ever leave this place?!
86. Taking the sea-nic route for a change!
87. Just arrived at the hotel. Suite dreams everyone.
88. Falling in Louvre with Paris.
89. Camping’s fun, but it’s a little…in-tents.
90. Life really is better in slow m-ocean.
I’m always a fan of thought-provoking captions for travelling photos too!
Thought-Provoking Caption for Travelling Photos
91. To travel is to be challenged. To be challenged is to grow.
92. The only thing worth collecting are stamps on your passport.
93. I’m most at home away from home.
94. Humans were hunter-gatherers. We were literally built to roam, to explore…to travel.
95. Forget the destination. Embrace the journey.
96. The destination itself is just one tiny part of travel.
97. The road is my home.
98. Set your sights on the horizon and never let it wander.
99. Embrace the discomfort. Embrace the journey.
100. Planes give us wings. Use them.
101. Travel is a process. You find yourself, lose yourself, and then find yourself once more.
102. Swap concrete and cubicles for exploration and adventure.
103. As Karen Einsel once said, treat every day as a new adventure, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.
104. If travel knocks you down, roll over and look up at the stars.
105. Adventure lies on the other side of fear.
Been to the beach? Try these beach captions for travel snaps!
Beach Captions for Travel Snaps
106. Life’s a beach…
107. Don’t worry, beach happy.
108. Peace out, beaches…
109. Talk to the sand.
110. I got 99 problems, but a beach ain’t one.
111. Proof that happiness comes in waves!
112. I’ve got a bad case of resting beach face.
113. How to get a beach body: 1) Have a body, 2) go to the beach!
114. Happiness is a day at the beach.
115. Sea breeze and sandy knees.
116. You used to call me on my shell phone…
117. Life’s better at the beach.
118. Sunset + beach + beer = good day.
119. You had me at Aloha.
120. High tides and good vibes.
Let’s face it, most travels captions for Instagram are inspirational in nature! The ones to come definitely fit that description:
Inspirational Travels Captions
121. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)
122. The sky is the limit.
123. Travel is expansive. It fills your soul with wonder and leaves you breathless for more.
124. We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us.
125. There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.
126. Travel as much as you can, as far as you can, and for as long as you can.
127. Travel is a hopeful state of mind.
128. “People forget years and remember moments.” (Ann Beattie)
129. Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.
130. You can find yourself in the middle of nowhere and find yourself.
131. Make memories, explore the world, and dream big.
132. The open road unwinds and makes my spirit soar.
133. Doing my best to live a life without regret.
134. “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” (Lao Tzu)
135. Turn away from what’s common and expected. Embrace the unknown.
Your Instagram followers are sure to enjoy these insightful captions on travelling…
Insightful Captions on Travelling
136. May every sunrise bring you hope, may every sunset bring you peace.
137. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” (Anais Nin)
138. In the words of Mary Anne Radmacher, ‘I’m not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world’.
139. “Travel leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” (Ibn Battuta)
140. “Wherever you go becomes a part of your somehow.” (Anita Desai)
141. Travelling leaves me weak at the knees.
142. I explore to expand. I leave to become.
143. Adventures fuel my imagination like nothing else in the world.
144. “So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.” (Tecumseh)
145. Time stood still as I gazed in awe at my surroundings. This world. It was all mine.
146. In an instant I saw the truth: that life is to be lived, not survived.
147. A fiery sun dips below a distant horizon at the end of another day in paradise.
148. To travel is to walk a tightrope between stillness and motion.
149. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” (David Mitchell)
150. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” (Mae West)
Last but not least, check out these cute trip captions for couples…
Related Posts You Might Like:
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Cute Trip Captions for Couples
151. Destinations matter less than travel companions.
152. If I was going to be lost with anyone, I’d choose you.
153. My favourite place in the world? With you.
154. There’s real joy to be found in planning a trip with the person you love.
155. Here’s to more grand adventures together.
156. Love at first sight with someone I love.
157. I’d go anywhere in the world with you.
158. Sharing new experiences.
159. You know you have a keeper when they let you have the window seat.
160. You have a passport straight to my heart.
161. Vacation + bae = baecation.
162. Winging it together.
163. “A couple who travel together grow together.” (Ahmad Fuadi)
164. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” (African Proverb)
165. “Oh darling, let’s be adventurers!” (Unknown)
Enjoy This Travelling Captions List
Writing captions for travel photos on Instagram can be a nightmare.
I mean, you’re in amazing places, surrounded by incredible sights, and doing inspiring new things all the time! Finding words to do those images justice is no mean feat.
If you know the struggle and need some inspiration, then I hope this long list of travel captions for Instagram will help. A mixture of my own fumbled-together creations and famous travel quotes, there should be something in there to do the trick!
Draw upon these travelling captions throughout your trip and you should never be short of a travel caption again.
Did you have a favourite? Let me know in the comments below!
Alternatively, if you’re looking for some more inspiring captions ideas, click here to read 105 awesome quotes about the roads of life.